Wisdom teeth are the last adult teeth to emerge, located at the back of the mouth above and below the 2nd molars. Usually, they appear between late teens and mid-twenties, though there are exceptions; some people get their wisdom teeth sooner or later, and others don't have wisdom teeth. Some don't have them at all, while others have them with no immediate issues. Although they may not cause problems at first, extraction is often recommended for various reasons.
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Symptoms to be expacted
Wisdom teeth are the last adult teeth to emerge, located at the back of the mouth above and below the 2nd molars. Usually, they appear between late teens and mid-twenties, though there are exceptions; some people get their wisdom teeth sooner or later, and others don't have wisdom teeth. Some don't have them at all, while others have them with no immediate issues. Although they may not cause problems at first, extraction is often recommended for various reasons.
When do you need your wisdom teeth be removed?
Misaligned tooth. A misaligned tooth presses against adjacent teeth, leading to pain, bad breath, tooth cavities and food impaction.
Congestion in the mouth. Tightly squeezed teeth can cause discomfort or undermine functions like chewing.
Tooth infection. If your wisdom tooth gets infected, you may need to extract the affected tooth to protect healthy teeth.
Possibility of a cyst formation.
Examination of your Wisdom Teeth
Before scheduling your wisdom teeth extraction, we'll perform an examination of your teeth and jaw, including simple X-rays. If needed, we are going to take a CBCT to see the exact location of the anatomical structure. This helps us determine your root structure and if your wisdom teeth need to be extracted. If you need an extraction, with a detailed exam we can determine whether it requires surgery or a simple extraction. We want to be well prepared for every procedure!

Extraction Process
At the first visit, our team will explain what to anticipate & how to get ready. Depending on the doctor's recommendation & your desires, in addition to local numbing, sedation may be given. We provide minimally invasive methods and dental equipment to take out your wisdom teeth as delicately as possible. We wish for you to feel secure & recover quickly.
If you requested sedation, you might need to bring a companion to the practice, have them drive you home afterwards and stay with you while you recover. We'll provide post-operatory instructions and advice on what to do/avoid to ensure a fast, comfortable recovery. If you have further concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us.

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Your appointment will assess your teeth, gums, soft tissues, bite shape and state. We need to view your entire mouth's appearance and performance. Before planning treatment, we want to understand the health and look of your smile, as well as your desired end goal, so we can assist you in accomplishing it.
Cost of Wisdom Teeth Removal in Toronto
On average, wisdom tooth extraction can cost you $200 to $850 in Toronto, depending on the removal procedure's complexity.
It's impossible to give a realistic estimate for wisdom teeth extraction over the phone or online because your treatment scheme must be tailored to your specific needs and can only be determined after an oral examination with required X-Rays. For example, extracting impacted teeth stuck in your jawbone may cost more than a misaligned tooth. So, the level of impact and extraction procedures determine the final price.
Simple Tooth Extraction
An uncomplicated wisdom tooth (visible in the mouth) can be extracted by a general dentist with local anesthetic. A simpler extraction means a lower cost.
Surgical Tooth Extraction
A surgical extraction is needed for a wisdom tooth that hasn't erupted, is impacted, has complex roots, or has a bad relationship with its neighbour. This requires great attention, skill and thus a higher cost.
You should always remember that it is impossible to give an exact price over the phone due to the complexity, so it is essential to speak with a dentist who can evaluate the situation and provide various options.
Frequently asked questions about Wisdom Teeth
Is it good to have wisdom teeth?
We cannot necessarily say that it is good or bad to have wisdom teeth, and there are no scientifically confirmed health benefits of removing any wisdom tooth that doesn't cause any issues. Furthermore, extracting wisdom teeth is usually undesirable and may cause unpleasant consequences. In most patients, wisdom teeth don't come from the soft tissues – or only partially.
Do wisdom teeth hurt?
Not every wisdom teeth cause pain. If the eruption of the wisdom teeth is normal and if the jaw of the patient has sufficient space, they rarely hurt.
However, wisdom teeth can cause some patients mild to moderate and even unbearable pain. If it causes pain, the ultimate solution is, most of the time, extracting the wisdom tooth.
What age do wisdom teeth come in?
Wisdom teeth usually erupt between the ages of 17 and 25. While some patients have enough space for them, others don't have sufficient space, and their wisdom teeth become impacted.
What are some signs that your wisdom teeth are coming in?
Swelling on the soft tissues behind the second molars,
Pain on the eruption side and around the ears,
bad breath,
Tenderness in the gum tissue,
Limited mouth opening,
Bad taste in the mouth.
How can I stop wisdom tooth pain at night?
If the pain comes from a partially or fully impacted wisdom tooth, it is not considered chronic tooth pain. Instead, we should consider it as an infection. That's why you should visit your dentist as soon as possible.
However, while you are waiting for your appointment, you can
Take Pain Reliever Medication,
Apply cold in the area.
How do you know if your wisdom teeth need to be pulled?
There are multiple reasons for the removal of wisdom teeth:
1- Pain coming from wisdom teeth area
2- Inflammation of the soft tissues around the wisdom teeth
3- Cysts around wisdom teeth
4- Pain radiating to the ears and the same side of the head
5- Limited mouth opening caused by wisdom teeth infection
6- Sinus infection
7- Food Impaction
8- Cavities on the wisdom teeth
9- Cavities on the adjacent teeth
Is wisdom tooth removal very painful?
No. Tooth removal is a painless dental procedure with the proper local anesthetic technique.
The extraction area will be numb, and you shouldn't feel any pain. However, you can tell your dentist to give you more local anesthetics if you do.
The idea of a wisdom tooth extraction may be too scary for the patients. In these cases, we also recommend Sedation for the patients. This way, patients feel more comfortable and relaxed while performing the extraction.
What are the side effects of wisdom teeth removal?
The majority of wisdom teeth extractions don't end up with prolonged complications. However, some of the extractions may require a surgical approach, including a flap and bone removal. It is rare, but there are risks associated with wisdom teeth extraction:
Dry Socket: It is a painful situation for the patient. If the patient doesn't follow the post-op instructions or the blood clot is lost, they can feel a bad taste, smell and pain coming from their extraction sites. To prevent that, patients must follow the postoperative instructions.
Infection of the extraction socket. If your dentist thinks there is a high probability of infection, they will prescribe antibiotics to prevent it. But you still need to follow the postoperative instructions.
Damage to nearby teeth, nerves, and jawbone or sinuses: To prevent that, your dentist should use high magnification dental loupes or microscopes. Also, dental imaging tools such as CBCT are crucially important. This way, we can detect the possible complications in the mouth and in the x-rays before and during the procedure.
Is removing wisdom teeth major surgery?
Although it is a regular procedure in Oral Surgery, it should be considered a Major Surgery. However, your dentist will use local anesthetics to numb your tissues during the procedure. Also, if you don't feel comfortable with the idea of surgery, your Toronto Dentist can use sedation to calm you down.
How long does it take to recover from removing wisdom teeth?
Usually, most of the post-op discomfort starts to fade away on the fourth day of the extraction. However, full recovery from the extraction may take up to two weeks. To reduce the swelling and limited mouth opening, patients should use a cold compress following the extraction for 48 hours. In addition, anti-inflammatory drugs help ease the discomfort of the patient.
Do and don'ts after wisdom teeth removal surgery?
Continue biting the cotton gauze for half an hour and throw it away after.
You should rest for a couple of days. This doesn't mean you need to be on bedrest.
Use a cold compress for 24 hours.
Elevate your head while you are in bed.
Keep the extraction socket clean.
Stick to a soft diet for a few days.
Do not eat on the extraction site.
Open and close your mouth for exercise.
Take your medication as described and on time.
When you start brushing after the first 24 hours, brush gently.
Do not consume hard, spicy foods. They can get stuck in the extraction socket, and the healing goes the wound can be jeopardized.
Do not consume anything hot. This will exaggerate the swelling and bleeding.
Do not brush your teeth, and do not rinse your mouth for 24 Hours.
Do not eat right after the surgery. You are numb, and you can hurt yourself when you are eating.
Do not poke the extraction site.
Do not use straws, or do not suck. It can cause more bleeding.
Do not smoke. It will cause a dry socket.
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What are Wisdom Teeth?
Wisdom teeth are the final set of molars that appear in the late teens. They are the last adult teeth to emerge and grow on the upper and lower jaw. But does everyone have wisdom teeth? For most people, one to four wisdom teeth come out between the ages of 17 and 25.
However, some people don't have a single wisdom tooth. Because these molars come out last, they may not find enough space to grow comfortably like other teeth.
Congestion can lead to misalignment, pain, infection, and other problems. To relieve pain and protect oral health, your Toronto dentist can recommend surgery to remove or extract impacted wisdom teeth. Here is everything you need to know about wisdom tooth removal.

Impacted Wisdom Tooth with Dentigerous Cyst
When do you need Wisdom Tooth Removal?
Toronto Dentist Dr.Johnson may recommend wisdom tooth extraction for several reasons. Here are four reasons that can create issues that lead to removing your third molars:
Impacted wisdom tooth. Think of your mouth as a party venue. The last guests to arrive may not get the best seats or enough room to enjoy the party. Wisdom teeth are the last adult teeth to emerge and may have to squeeze into available space.
If you don’t have enough room, wisdom teeth can be impacted or get stuck in your jawbone or gums. Your Toronto dentist can remove impacted teeth to relieve pain and improve functions.
Misaligned tooth. Teeth have to be aligned and healthy to fulfill their duties. However, your wisdom teeth can come out at the wrong angle due to a lack of space. A misaligned tooth presses against adjacent teeth, leading to pain, bad breath, tooth cavities and food impaction. This can affect the effectiveness of oral hygiene applications.
Congestion in the mouth. Tightly squeezed teeth can cause discomfort or undermine functions like chewing. Your dentist can recommend wisdom tooth removal to decongest your mouth.
Tooth infection. If your wisdom tooth gets infected, you may need to extract the affected tooth to protect healthy teeth. To avoid complications, visit your dentist as soon as symptoms of wisdom tooth infection appear. The main infected wisdom tooth symptoms are pain and swelling in the wisdom teeth area.
But how will you know when to remove wisdom teeth? Pain may indicate underlying dental issues. Don’t ignore persistent or recurring wisdom tooth pain. You can visit Toronto Smile Design Clinic to diagnose impacted or infected wisdom teeth symptoms and address them promptly.

Impacted Wisdom Teeth is blocking the eruption of second molar.

Wisdom Teeth with cavities.
How much does wisdom teeth removal cost?
On average, wisdom tooth extraction can cost you $200 to $850 in Toronto, depending on the removal procedure's complexity. For example, extracting impacted teeth stuck in your jawbone may cost more than a misaligned tooth. So, the level of impact and extraction procedures determine the final price.
What to expect during Wisdom Tooth Extraction
Wisdom teeth extraction is the surgical removal of teeth. It is an outpatient surgery, so you visit your Toronto dentist, get the tooth removed, and leave after a few hours.
Diagnosis. Your Toronto dentist will conduct a physical examination or use an X-ray for an impacted tooth stuck in your jawbone.
Local Anesthesia. Before extracting the tooth, you’ll be sedated to ensure you don’t feel any pain. Your dentist can use local anesthesia and sedation to ease the dental anxiety, which wears off after the surgery. You will wake and regain feeling in your mouth.
Guidance. Your dentist will prescribe some painkillers, antibiotics, mouth rinse if needed and give you instructions such as what to eat after wisdom tooth removal.
Although you’re not prohibited from driving after the surgery, you should find someone else to take you home.

Wisdom Tooth with Cavity and Wisdom tooth infection
What should you eat and avoid after wisdom teeth removal?
Ensure you follow your dentist's instructions on what foods to eat after wisdom teeth removal to recover quicker. You can eat very soft foods for the first few days, such as soup, pudding, mashed potatoes, and smoothies to keep the extraction site clean. You should avoid eating spicy foods.
The idea is to get the nutrition to support self-healing without excessive chewing.
You also need to stay hydrated to hasten your recovery after wisdom teeth removal. Your Toronto dentist will provide specific instructions on what you should avoid, such as hard nuts or seeds, chewing gum, and hot foods. Smoking is also not recommended it will jeopardize the healing process. It only takes 2-4 days to recover after wisdom teeth removal.
You may experience swelling and bruising. So, you can quit smoking for four days, chewing gums (it can dislodge the blood clot), and other habits for a few days. You shouldn't brush your teeth on the day of your surgery.
Like any other surgical procedure, your dentist’s expertise can also determine how many days you’ll need to recover. If you are looking for a Toronto Dentist for wisdom teeth removal, look no further than Toronto Smile Design Clinic.

Horizontally Impacted Wisdom Tooth with bone loss on second molar

Partially impacted Wisdom Tooth with Infection

Why Toronto Smile Design - Yorkville Dental
Dr. Johnson Ozgur is a Toronto Dentist with a Master's Degree in Oral Surgery. You can rely on Dr. Johnson’s expertise and years of experience to extract misaligned, infected, or impacted wisdom teeth. For safe wisdom teeth removal and quick wisdom teeth removal recovery, contact us today to restore! At Toronto Smile Design Clinic, we use state-of-the-art digital dentistry approaches to guarantee your satisfaction.
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