In this case, I will summarize the answer to a question: How many appointments do you need for veneers?
In every cosmetic dental treatment, my goal is to look in the same direction as my patients. I want to make sure that my treatment will perfectly fit my patient's face, both physically and emotionally. To achieve this goal, we need to spend more time designing and planning the case than actually performing it.
I start a case with an interview-like consultation appointment. I try to determine the needs and desires of the patient. If they are realistic, I start documenting the case either in the same appointment or in another session.
After the documentation phase, the most important part of any treatment starts; designing the smile. In this phase, I use high-quality documentation of the patient for preparing the case digitally. After the design is complete, I develop a treatment plan for every patient. Everyone needs a different approach. There isn't any magical solution that works for every individual. In this case, the answer was porcelain veneers and minor laser gingivectomy for perfect alignment of gum tissue. In my decision, I chose veneers for a couple of reasons.
1- Porcelain veneers are minimally invasive.
2- Peridontal tissues (gum tissue) tolerate veneers completely.
3- They are durable in the long-run.
4- They are stain-resistant.
After coming to a final decision, I sent my design and impressions to my lab to transfer my plan to my patient's models. They implement my design digitally and print the final digital wax-up with a 3D printer. This whole process takes around one week, including my planning.

Before Treatment

Mock - Up (Test-Drive Experience)
In the next appointment, we transfer our design in the patient's mouth using temporary crown materials. Yes, they look matte, but they give us a perfect idea of our treatment outcome. In this phase, we discuss the treatment plan with our patients. I make sure my patients are delighted with the plan and the new look. After achieving the agreement, treatment starts.

Smile Design and Treatment planning - Periodontal Crown Lengthening Surgery - Porcelain Crowns were provided by Cosmetic Dentist Dr.Johnson Ozgur located in Toronto.

Temporary Veneers After Laser Gingivectomy and Porcelain Veneer Preperations
With minimally invasive preparations, I take multiple impressions of the case and send these to my lab. For this time period, I provide temporary veneers to my patients looking exactly like the final veneers.
The lab team follows the initial plan and fabricates the veneers by using state-of-art dental milling technologies. This process takes about two weeks. We can accelerate this process, but I always see dental technicians as artists. I want them to be perfectly comfortable while they are performing their art. We shouldn't rush them.

Porcelain Veneer Insertion with Rubber Dam Isolation
After receiving the final veneers in two weeks, we try in the veneers. If they are perfect, if my patient and I are completely satisfied, I insert them.

Before Treatment - 12 o'clock Picture

After Treatment - 12 o'clock Picture
Video Documentation of the Case
I hope you like the outcome of this treatment. Actually, in this treatment, I tried to convince my patient that her teeth look really beautiful and she doesn't need treatment, but she insisted on seeing the mock-up. After the mock-up session, she was thrilled and went on with the treatment.

Before Treatment - Intra-oral Picture

After Treatment - Intra-oral Picture