Smile Design Cases

Before Treatment - Smile Picture

Case 8
Mr.T's biggest fear was Dentistry. When he came to my clinic, he was super anxious, and he had been trying to ignore the need for Dental Treatment for years.
He heard about me from one of his friends. He had heard that I was providing something called "Digital Smile Design". He had correctly heard that to provide Digital Smile Design (DSD), I took pictures, videos and impressions. Nothing serious.
Of course, in the initial assessment, I detected severe issues about his periodontal health. I didn't want to approach the situation in a way that I could scare him more. I wanted to show him the exciting part of Dentistry. If we can show the outcome of our treatments to our patients, they would approach Dentistry with perceived value.
I started the procedure with initial DSD documentation. I took pictures and videos of the patient to design the case digitally. If we can't visualize the outcome, we shouldn't start treating patients. I also took impressions of the patient's mouth to transfer our design to our patient in the second appointment.
Smile Design and Treatment planning - Periodontal Crown Lengthening Surgery - Porcelain Crowns and Veneers were provided by Cosmetic Dentist Dr.Johnson Ozgur located in Toronto.

Before Treatment - Intraoral Picture
After the first appointment, I start designing the case. I use videos to assess the patient's smile dynamics and different pictures and techniques to design the case digitally. After finalizing the case designing and treatment planning, I transfer the case presentation and design to my lab. They use digital tools to transfer my design to the patient's cast. They print the Smile Design prototype using 3D Printers. This is the magical part of the Digital Dentistry.

Digital Design of the case - Frontal View

Digital Design of the case - 12 o'clock View
I use temporary prosthodontic materials to transfer my 3D Design (Wax-Up) to the patient's mouth (Mock-Up). With this technique, patients can see themselves in before after setting without even starting the treatment. This test drive is a game-changer experience for us. In this appointment, we can show our patients the outcome of our treatment. In other words, we can show them how our treatment will change their lives. They have the opportunity to visualize the change on their faces.

Before Treatment

Mock - Up (Test-Drive Experience)
Before Treatment
Mock - Up (Test-Drive Experience)
In this test drive appointment, we present the solid treatment plan to our patient. In Mr.T's case, this treatment plan contains:
Upper Jaw:
Periodontal Treatment + Gingivectomy (Crown Lengthening Surgery)
Six Full Porcelain Crowns + Four Porcelain Veneers
Lower Jaw :
Periodontal Treatment + Gingivectomy (Crown Lengthening Surgery)
Six Full Porcelain Crowns

Before Treatment

After Treatment - Resting Lip Position

After Treatment

After Treatment
He was super satisfied with the result after providing periodontal treatments, upper gingivectomy (crown lengthening surgery), and upper porcelain crowns and porcelain veneers. He didn't want to continue with the lower crown lengthening surgery and porcelain crowns.
Before Treatment
After Cementation of the Final Crowns
"Without leaps of imagination or dreaming, we lose the excitement of possibilities. Dreaming, after all is a form of planning."
Gloria Steinem

Before Treatment - Intra-oral Picture

After Treatment - Intra-oral Picture

After Treatment - Intra-oral Picture
Design before treatment planning is my motto. To achieve facially driven aesthetics in Dentistry, we need to use facial guidance of the patients. I hope you like the outcome. For the patient's privacy, I can't show you his face.