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Wisdom Tooth Extraction Home Care Instructions

Writer's picture: Dr. Johnson OzgurDr. Johnson Ozgur

Wisdom teeth removal is an effective surgical procedure, and adhering to the post-operative care suggestions below may shorten the time required for recovery after wisdom teeth removal. These tips can also reduce pain and swelling and minimize the risk of complications such as infection.

Following a wisdom teeth extraction, we recommend the following precautions on the day of your surgery:

  • Limit your physical activities.

  • Avoid touching the surgical area.

  • Refrain from vigorously rinsing your mouth.

  • Place ice on your cheeks near the surgery site.

  • Remove the gauze surgical pad 30 minutes after the surgery.

  • Take the pain medications prescribed as soon as you experience discomfort.

To facilitate a more comfortable recovery from wisdom tooth extraction, the following aftercare guidelines can be helpful:


If you experience nausea and/or vomiting, refrain from consuming anything orally for at least an hour after the surgery. Afterward, you can slowly sip coke, tea, or ginger ale. Once nausea subsides, you may begin taking your prescribed medication.


It's normal to experience slight bleeding, oozing, or redness in the saliva after the surgery. Place a gauze pad on the surgical area to manage excessive bleeding and bite down firmly for 20 minutes to 30 minutes.

If the bleeding does not stop, holding a moistened tea bag against the area can help create a clot, as the tannic acid within the tea bag will cause the blood vessels to narrow. To help control the bleeding, stay calm, stay upright, and avoid physical activity.


Consuming an adequate amount of liquids, at least five to six glasses daily, is essential. It is recommended to not use straws when drinking liquids, as the suction motion could move the clot that has formed around a tooth that has been removed. It is advised to opt for soft, high-calorie, and protein-rich foods. Attempt to maintain your regular meal schedule and avoid missing any meals, as this can improve your overall well-being, decrease discomfort, and expedite the healing process.


If you are feeling a bit of pain after your tooth has been pulled, it is recommended to take over-the-counter medications such as Tylenol, Extra Strength Tylenol, Motrin, or Advil every few hours to relieve the discomfort. If you have intense discomfort, take your medication intended for pain relief as instructed. Cease usage if you develop a skin rash or any other adverse results. It's important to note that pain medication can cause dizziness, so make sure to stand up slowly.

With time, the pain or discomfort following the surgery should decrease each day gradually.

Swelling and Bruising:

As part of the healing process following an impacted wisdom teeth removal, it is expected that the body may respond with some swelling in the areas around the mouth, cheeks, eyes, and sides of the face. The effects of the surgery might not become noticeable until the day after and may not be at its strongest until a couple of days later.

Applying ice to the affected area can aid in reducing the swelling. After 36 hours after the surgery, you may switch to using moist heat. In some instances, discoloration in black, blue, green, or yellow patches may occur due to blood spreading beneath the tissues; this is a natural occurrence, and applying moist heat can be beneficial.

Oral Hygiene:

After the surgery, you can brush your teeth at night, but be cautious around the surgical site while rinsing gently. Starting the following day of the wisdom teeth removal surgery, you should rinse your mouth at least five to six times daily, particularly after meals, to clean the extraction site. Saltwater rinses or using a toothbrush to keep your mouth clean are recommended.

Sutures and Dry Socket:

Stitches for wisdom teeth aid in reducing bleeding and encouraging healing. If the stitches become displaced, there is no need to worry; discard them. The stitches will be taken out roughly one week following the surgery.

Wisdom teeth dry socket can occur when the blood clot dislodges too soon from the socket. It is possible to experience discomfort in the surgical area, and even ear pain, within a couple of days.

Soreness in the throat and pain while swallowing may manifest, but they typically dissipate within two to three days. Stiffness of the jaw muscles can result in trouble opening your mouth, but this is typical and will improve over time.

You may experience solid protuberances, known as bony walls, that support the tooth. These will typically even out over time. Your lips may become dry and chapped, so make sure to keep them hydrated.

Temporary numbness in the lip, chin, or tongue is not typical after wisdom teeth removal. Slight fever following the procedure is uncommon, and you can use Tylenol or ibuprofen three times a day to alleviate it.

If you experience anything unusual, you can call Toronto Smile Design - Yorkville Dental to request information - 416-928-9090

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